
Can You Get "Untainted" Blood if You Need it?

A conversation with the folks from SafeBlood

Last week, the weekly Freedom Hub webinar was host to representatives from SafeBlood – one of the new initiatives that have sprung up in response to the desire of a great many people to be able to have access to blood from donors who have not had a Covid-19 mRNA vaccine.

SafeBlood founder, George Della Pietra, and media liaison Clinton Ohlers, explained how their service works to build networks of donors and recipients, and also how they work to educate people about ways to avoid the need for a transfusion. Much of the time, say Pietra and Ohlers, a transfusion becomes unnecessary when the patient is aware of other options.

The story about the newborn baby who died from a massive blood clot after being given a blood transfusion against the wishes of his parents is here.

If you’re new to the Freedom Hub, and Health Biz & Politics webinars, I strongly recommend signing up for their announcements. Many of their guests have been involved in building alternative solutions in healthcare for many years, and are a wealth of information and experience. You can subscribe for updates here.