Bretigne: I would like to share with you my comment on Chris Martensen's website, where he said he thought the world was divided into two types: The Creators and The Destroyers (his article is behind a paywall so I can't share it unfortunately).

Chris: You remarked there are two types of people: Destroyers and Creators. I understand the dramatic impact of demarcating these two groups, but I believe most people belong in a large middle category. Probably less than 5% of people are true creators, and even fewer are destroyers. Most people are followers or sideliners – meaning those who sit passively on the sidelines watching the drama play out between the active players. The followers are those who slavishly follow the destroyers, in true Nuremberg style, if supporting them, or in knee-jerk reflexive opposition. If you follow a creator, you must be a creator, because creators don’t welcome to their group non-contributors or those who are either black-pilled or destroyers at heart. Nor do sideliners last long in resistance movements fueled by passion. There is another category, too, I believe, consisting of the lost souls. This group is people who are so overwhelmed by the data that they have basically checked out of the process of even trying to make sense of the confusion. They aren’t like the followers, watching the drama unfold, rooting for their side. They simply choose to look away, being too overwhelmed to countenance the phantasmagoria of information blowing into their brains. They can’t “handle the truth”.

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Yes, I agree with all of this. But I also think it is important to remember that people in the "follower" and "lost souls" categories are capable of transforming into creators. Even some - if only a few - of the "destroyers" can change too. None of us are condemned to be how we are now, forever. That gives me hope.

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I believe you are correct, or at least that we need to believe it in order to preserve hope. Rescuing the followers and lost souls from the oblivion they are bobbing about in is no mean task, and one which we in our various groups need to strategize about.

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