"When I left high school, I really thought I was leaving high school. I thought that the world of mindless, group-think, authority-worshiping, government schooling was behind me. " This strikes home. My lifeline as a kid was thinking it would end. And when I discovered, as an adult, that it doesn't, the bottom fell out for a while. And then I found out that if I wanted to find my people, I had to be honest with myself, and honest with others, and they would magically appear.

And they have. The Remnant rides. But it's a dark forest, and wide.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Bretigne

It was a joy to read this, Bretigne. I was one of the conditioned who got it not only from school, but from church and home as well. Wasn’t until I was approaching 50 that I began to understand the truth after discovering Ron Paul. I began reading Lew Rockwell’s site, and found the brilliant Butler Shaffer. He played a big part in my awakening. Thank you for continuing his legacy.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Bretigne

Reading through this, and how you mentioned your dad passing in 2019...can you IMAGINE what he would have thought and written about life in 2020+ had he lived to experience it!

But on the subject of traffic lights, I had visited Lebanon some years back. I didn't see a single traffic light in the country. Not even in dense Beirut traffic!

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I think about that ALL the time! What my dad would be saying now!

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Bretigne

I glanced through his 10(!) pages of articles on Lew Rockwell dotCom and was struck by the title "Is there a Vaccine?" (subtitle: "for the State")

Before the scamdemic even hit he was skeptical of it!

I'm sure I would have loved him! <3

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Oh yes! Very skeptical! And yes, I think you would!

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Bretigne

Bretigne, I can just imagine the scene in that room with your dad and mom! Special people, your mom and dad.

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So glad my parents pulled me out of public school after 3rd grade and then put me in an academically rigorous but friendly hippyish private school. I am honestly amazed how much people go along to get along, and I am sure you are correct a lot of it comes from public school conditioning.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Bretigne

There were two bells when I was in the public fool system.

The first one told you to leave one class and pass to the next.

The next one told you to sit down and shut up in the next class.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Bretigne

The results of this have been on display in sickening Technicolor for the past three years – sorry, "two weeks".

JHC you nailed it. Yup how many today still love their groupthink. Great article!

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Thank you!

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Bretigne

Thank you for this revelatory article!

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I love your article. It's right down my alley.

Here is a video I posted years ago in an attempt to demonstrate the same warning.


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Right on target.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Bretigne

Spot on again! Getting rid of traffic lights would be an excellent way of lowering the population. Basically it would turn into a four-way stop which people do when the lights are not working. but for high traffic locations, no way. Besides today's humans lack the chops to do that.

Look how people on a highway, at least in the South, can't even properly execute a merge into a single lane. They merge way too soon instead of at the actual entry point to the "funnel". The latter was how we did it in Canada which is way faster and smoother. but that was the 80s so likely that's toast too.

Mentorship doesn't exist. The school-doctrination has lobotomized humans and boy is it evident with dealing with today's people in support or customer service.

Beam me up.

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"Mentorship doesn't exist. The school-doctrination has lobotomized humans and boy is it evident with dealing with today's people in support or customer service."

Bingo. If all govt. schools were replaced with private apprenticeships, I think we'd all be a lot better off.

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Physical consequences get people to learn. Even money becomes a physical consequence as being either to eat, travel, have shelter (varying degrees) or not. Humans learn best through LOSS.

the true purpose of anything is realized when you no longer have it. Today's morons have too many modern conveniences and toys. Frankly ruining the food supply will bring these physical consequences to everybody and "climate change" ain't gonna cut it for even the WOKE morons IF they actually lose their food source (grocery store).

At some point a human will question why there's no food at the store and when their "leaders" say "climate change", the moron will consider that actual food = nature, NOT a magic box from a "leader". (varying degrees of physical consequences will actually force a realization.

there's no such thing as "waking up". there is only for the human to realize and understand and that is NOT using "words". People are so disconnected that they don't realize the words aren't the physical substance they live and survive on. But the above will get them to realize.

there will be those that refuse to get past realize and to "understand". these people will resist and throw a tantrum akin to what we see today. Those "Karens" won't continue to throw tantrums for long when they're starving.

**Y'all have to realize and understand that the forces behind the WEF, WHO, etc, are ancient cults BUT...BUT...their membership dies out too, hence the old guard in their late 80s+ is no longer running the world so to speak. they've been replaced by the Hunter Biden types...coke addict, sex addict, spoiled rotten with no commons sense. They TOO live on "words" and thus you see the very clearly self destructive machinations from them (geoengineering, destroying the psyche (schools, gender identity destruction, mega pollution, wireless-cellular, lithium battery obsession, dumbed down grammar).

This IS destroying the sphere, Earth. Fact. Weather warfare, Canada forest arsons, it's all destroying the sphere. There is no magic "alien" "secret sauce" that will restore it. Only a retard believes that. (understand the complexity of "soil" alone).

Thus all these "Pay-triots" other than a tiny few, are living in their "words" instead of physical reality. Voting machines aren't the problem. The physical lethal force control of humans not obeying tyrants IS the problem. This is why BLM and all the thugs in many major cities are STILL robbing stores in broad daylight wearing their masks and destroying the business. That theme is akin to destroying the sphere.

**The retards running the ancient cults believe that their "people" will "restore order" to these cities, etc, by using "police". That's just a bunch of words. You need smart EXPERIENCED people to run the infrastructure of basic needs (water, heat, farming, highways, bridges, powerplants) AND what about those manufacturing plants? They don't run themselves.

**They all need PARTS! Anybody that does actual physical work and isn't some manager of "words" realizes that no parts = no manufacturing. Remember the chip shortage a few years ago? NO NEW CARS.

Me, I'm just enjoying the years I have left as I laugh at the fools believing they're the smartest in the room. The next two hundred years will flush all of them into the abyss. Even Elon Musk is a moron for this obsession with batteries. There is NO "electric" car. It's a BATTERY car and that battery's construction permanently destroys the sphere. And the grid can't support it TODAY.

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