I don’t even concede that “all lives matter” is racist even if clueless. When I object to the “text,” by postmodernist definition, of “black lives matter,” I get told the words are just what they say and nothing more, or less. Well, then why the double-standard? Why does “all lives matter” have some super-secret racist dogwhistle, but “black lives matter” doesn’t mean adherence to an opportunistic Marxist race-hustling posse of shysters, especially given that it is the name of an organization to which people donated millions.

But I digress. Reminds me of the time I had the temerity to suggest that not everyone who opposes abortion hates women and wants them to wear a scarlet letter of shame for having sex, and got shouted at about my “privilege.”

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May 18, 2023Liked by Bretigne

That one word could it be Marxism?

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I was thinking "bigotry" - but Marxism (or maybe Maoism) works too.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Bretigne

You nailed it! And your "Why do you hate women so much?" response was GOLD!

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I've always wondered what the response would be if I commented on someone's post by saying, "What if I don't agree with the worldview that claims every human interaction must be viewed through the lens of oppression?"

We can't really have a discussion if they force us to do it on their turf. It needs to happen on neutral territory.

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But that would require using logic. If they could use logic, they wouldn't be socialists.

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The word isn't "limbic."

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this discourse is another example of people trying to out virtue signal each other! ugh...I disagree that saying all lives matter is racist. To me it is a refusal to go along with identity politics, or rights by group (which implies some groups ought have more rights than others legally) as opposed to each person of any group is already protected by the right of defense of legitimate rights....which are those that are not at the expense of others.

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"I disagree that saying all lives matter is racist." - Same. I've always considered it to be inclusive. I mean, isn't that what the "I" in "DEI" means? This cultural game is so confusing.

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I well understand the fun to be had by getting out the verbal sword and whacking some walking cliché with it. So many people just seem to be DESERVING of it. And if someone unjustly turns me into a cardboard character, isn't it fair and right to do the same to them? And yet, as you say, that path is ultimately unsatisfying, lacking in something wished for. The challenge, I think, is somehow to hold the door open to people who don't reciprocate. I often don't take that path, but when I do I'm left feeling nothing worse than sadness, which is a better feeling than residual anger. Occasionally it can even lead to a connection being made.

(Just staying away from silly people as much as possible is also a good, and less frustrating, option)

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