I am aware of a high school science department (of approximately 10 teachers) in which every female teacher got the jabs and every male teacher did not.

I find that interesting because the level of education, choice of profession, geographic location, and socioeconomic level are all factors which were controlled in this "natural experiment" case study (observation by me). One could even say that being a woman was a stronger factor in their decision than being an "autist," since some may argue that "nerdy" women going into science may be more likely to be on the spectrum.

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Interesting position - "Only critical thinkers should be allowed to participate in making decisions for society, which is a group that I place myself in."

If only people who propose that idea were truly able to think critically!

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I get it. This is why I am ok with a benevolent dictator rather than a self assumed critical thinkers republic.

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Yeah, that word "benevolent" is the tricky part though, isn't it? Sure, I'd be happy with a dictatorship that did everything the way I would do it! But dictatorships (or any govt., really) never seem to turn out that way.

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No but people can’t really function without at least the illusion of govt. I was a lot more optimistic until Covid showed me the reality of human nature. They want leaders. Those of us who don’t are clinging to a pipe dream.

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Yes they can. They may believe they can't, but if they were thrown into a situation where there was no such illusion, they would cope. And the thing about people who think they need rulers, is that they tend to be the same people who just go along with whatever the "norm" is. So if the norm became no government, these folks would just go along with it ("because everyone else is"), and insist that it had always been this way.

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That’s what I saw in my area. Not a lot of govt in Utah but people imposed their bullshit on each other absent govt. They just do what they are told regardless of whether it’s a command or a suggestion and in this case, they removed all the market choices so we all ended up the same bag.

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Aneurotypicality is the key. Independence of thought, self-efficacy, self-reliance, rejection of authority, analytical and research skills, majority mindset I. e., capable of making my own decisions and accepting responsibility for them.

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I suspect "aneurotypicality" used to be a lot more typical than it is today.

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A result of the dumming down of our educational system, monolithic media, the demise of books, replaced by screens, the placid escapist mentality induced by drugs, legal and illegal, living and growing up in a virtual-fantasy world, sensuality rather than intellectuality, etc.

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Elon seems easily swayed, at times, by some of the most moronic notions.

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Wow he actually posted that? I mean I've seen some seriously misguided stuff from him, but this really ranks right up there. . . .

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People need to stop labeling.

When we label we separate and we segregate. By definition this is what we do.

And it's wrong.

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Yes. It's also not a very smart or effective way of understanding the world, or understanding people.

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Legal positivism has the effect on people of reducing their sense of self-worth so that they give away decision making.

And that also produces helplessness and complaining. Which is justified in the sense that the decisions imposed on the complainer are harmful and he or she knows no way out of that.

We have great technology and no one is allowed to do what they want to do in the way they want to do it. What's the point of technological improvement if people cannot even discover what is convenient.

Why is it that those people who say alpha this and gamma that never question legal positivism?

Why they take authoritarianism as a given?

It's theater! They like to pretend they are different and special for their own merit, but they are just guardians of the most wasteful and cruel system of governance ever implemented.

If a real crisis ever comes, the high-status actors and comedians will go hide under the bed and cry themselves to sleep, and their wives and moms will take over the company or the farm.

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Sadly, suggesting autists as being the most objective to truth is utter rubbish. Autists are often more susceptible to intellectual manipulation than the average neurotypical person. This is why the forms millions of American parents fill out each year to have legal authority over their autistic children who are less capable of functioning with autonomy word it exactly that way: highly susceptible to intellectual manipulation. It's also, I believe, the reason there is a giant congruence to this most susceptible group and the prevalence for transgenderism. Our children are under attack. Sometimes, I think a Republic of Mothers is more necessary than most Libertarians would like to admit.

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However, a Republic of Mothers could also turn out to be filled with people like Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan.

Being female, having children, being male, having more testosterone, etc. are all only contributing factors in the development of critical thinking.

I think that the two strongest factors are parents/teachers/adults in a child's life modeling and explaining critical thinking to children, and giving children plenty of opportunities to make decisions and exercise their own thinking skills from a very early age and throughout their childhood.

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You said:

"What’s best for decision making is for individuals to make their own decisions about their own lives. Rather than centralized authorities making decisions for the rest of us."

The concept proposed is about those who can't discern, analyze, rationalize, and make a "decision". Not who is "best" at making decisions.

Since "Covid" It's been startling on just how dumbed down and unable to process and think most people are.

However, if a person is unable to discern, analyze, rationalize, and thus actually think, -- You have a parrot, a robot.

The meme was talking about people who can't or are unable to physically defend themselves.

The claim is high testosterone alpha males and aneurotypical people (no such thing in the dictionary--a made up word unless you remove the a) are only able to actually think in the complex fashion I described. In other words, not be a repeater.

Is there merit to the higher the testosterone, the better one decides for themselves?

As having experience and trained in NLP since 1991, I would state not likely.

One has to define what thinking for "oneself" is. Is it being the contrarian, the non sequitur? The devil in the details? None of those require high testosterone.

I think the meme is suggesting that The feminized mind is unable to think and decide for itself. This is psychological parlance, not of gender or sex. Humans naturally have a masculine and feminine energy to them. It requires one to be what is known as being grounded.

Grounding requires one to have an accurate identification of itself in respect to actual nature. From there, you realize yourself in respect to situations with other people. An example of where this does not exist is the feminized man. The feminized man, for all intents and purposes, acts as a weak female looking for someone else to rescue it. The feminized woman clearly behaves as one that is entitled and refusing to go along and get along, as in the case of the nuclear family.

Both psyches or mind have been corrupted. This has been done using the education system and Hollywood. Of course the mainstream media is the blow horn for this, but that doesn't matter.

If one wants to look at what thinking really is, they need to consider the character Sherlock Holmes. Plus, they also have to realize what Intuition really is. It's one's connection with all that is, God, whatever you want to call it. Intuition is where wisdom comes from, is where hunches and creativity ideas come from. Without it, all one does is copy and paste whatever they've read and heard.

The intuition is directly connected to curiosity. The level of curiosity in the human will go and lead to thinking. Crushing one's spirit crushes their curiosity and ends thinking. Trying to classify what kind of demographic of human that has been crushed, to me, is a waste of time. Daily I experience people who have next to no curiosity, no spirit, and their ability to think is no longer there.

Anybody's interaction with any company of trying to get a product or service sees this immediately.

Anything that's an ism should concern anybody with curiosity greatly. Progressivism, for example, is an Orwellian term meant to make us go backward. He used to be called Marxism. Which was another word for communism. Socialism, and everybody wants to argue forever about it, is basically communism. Why? Because sooner or later there's the group of people that are making the decisions and have all the money and the yachts and the cocaine and all the toys and there's everybody else. Today's so-called democracy is pretty much exactly communism, just that some people can't see it.

Humans lack the expertise and the wisdom to elegantly live together. Plus, it's obvious that there is a small group of beings on this planet that are doing their damnedest best to just destroy everything. It's not about the money. It was never about the money. This group has unlimited funds. They get their kicks from kicking over sandcastles and destroying everything. They want you to suffer.

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Who could this group of individuals be?🔔

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how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? Atlantis is the beginning. The Descendants are still around. I wrote a novel about it all. this is the introduction.


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