On the Banks
What Then Must We Do?
Jeff Tucker on Censorship of the Covid-19 Conversation

Jeff Tucker on Censorship of the Covid-19 Conversation

I speak with Jeff Tucker, Editorial Director of the American Institute of Economic Research, about censorship of AIER's content on Amazon and Facebook, the dysfunctional nature of that censorship, and what it took for him to stop taking mainstream media seriously.

The American Institute of Economic Research

"Woodstock Occurred in the Middle of a Pandemic" - the article that was "fact checked".

Coronavirus and Economic Crisis - AIER's book that was suppressed by Amazon.

My article from last fall, on censorship of the vaccine conversation.

My article on germ theory vs terrain theory.

On the Banks
What Then Must We Do?
Is there any hope at all of building and maintaining a free society? If so, how? If you are among "the remnant", this might be the show for you.